A video course to take you step-by-step to accomplish your goals, do your best work and grow in your personal life.

✓ Ideal Schedule: Eliminate 90% of the busywork and procrastination in your week

✓ Get Organized: An amazing system that works for everyone

✓ Stay in Control: Proven, reliable frameworks for getting unstuck

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️️ ⭐️ (Trusted by 3,500 customers and teams)

How many of your goals are still collecting dust?

How long have you been reading about productivity and focus without seeing results* in your life?

* Whereby "results" I mean more than just accomplishing your goals. Are you actually spending the majority of your time on the important stuff that matters to you? Your side-hustle, your creative hobbies, your health, your favorite relationships, becoming more skilled and advanced in your career?

  • Do you feel stuck — like you're spinning your wheels?

  • You’re constantly reacting — so many urgent demands on your time

  • You need breathing room in your schedule.

  • Chasing your to-do list and never getting ahead.

  • Stalling out in your career, perhaps even on the edge of burnout.

You don't need more time. You need more focus.


"Shawn’s writing on focus is well thought through
and well crafted."

Cal Newport

Author of Deep Work

"This class was completely life changing. Shawn brought it all together with a simply yet profound blueprint to follow and implement. I am so excited!"

Jennifer Nagaoka

Focus Course Member


What if you could start and end your day with margin, clarity, and momentum?

Imagine if you had a few simple habits to move you toward your goals each day.

Imagine how liberating it will be when you have clarity about your life's vision, values, and goals — when your short-term projects are moving you toward your big goals.

Wouldn't it be awesome to have breathing room in your day so you could rest and recharge? Imagine how that would impact your work, your team, your life!

The Focus Course is the fastest path forward for you.

By the time you complete the course,
you'll have:

  More breathing room for the things that matter.

  A calendar that aligns with YOUR values and YOUR goals

  A reliable system for getting unstuck (because we always get a little bit stuck every now and then, but you shouldn't have to stay there, stressed out).

  You'll know when to say yes and when to say no (and have a very clear WHY to back up your decisions)

  You'll have a clear, "Cornerstone Habit" that sets the momentum for making daily progress in your life and career.

Is The Focus Course Right for You?

✓ Leaders & Entrepreneurs
✓ Creators & Freelancers
✓ Knowledge Workers

✓ Productivity Nerds
✓ Parents
✓ Retirees


Leaders & Entrepreneurs

When you are struggling to manage your time and focus it’s frustrating. It hinders you from doing that which only you can do, and so you’re never able to get the traction you need.

In our experience, we’ve found that most leaders don’t need more time (a resource which cannot scale), they need more focus.

Entrepreneurs and leaders will walk away with a clear framework they can use on a daily and weekly basis to free up their time and improve their focus,

Creators & Knowledge Workers

Do you struggle to get in the zone and do your best creative work? Do you wish you had more hours of uninterrupted time? Does it feel as if your schedule is at war with the creative work you are trying to do?

As a creator and knowledge worker, your work ethic is not about the number of hours you put in. Rather, it’s about the quality of your focus during those hours. This is constant struggle. We know. We’ve been there. And we can help.

Productivity Nerds

The Focus Course offers a unique and highly-effective framework for how to manage your time, build habits and routines, and set goals.

We find that most productivity advice is directed toward the superficial. Which is why we do things upside down, placing significant emphasis Personal Integrity and clarity of your core values.

As someone who is already familiar with productivity, you already know how to wrangle your calendar and task list. Which means you are primed to experience a massive and sustained improvement to your own productivity systems thank to the fresh ideas you will get from the Focus Course.


"Just as I realized that I needed to rebalance things, I got the opportunity to take The Focus Course. It couldn’t have come at a better time, and I couldn’t be happier with the results it produced in my life."

John Voorhees

Attorney, IOS Developer & Father

"Thank you for making The Focus Course! I love the quality, your articles, and your advice on every-day topics. It was very helpful! The Focus Course is one of the best investments I have made so far."

Andrey Silaev

Focus Course Member


Other courses and training on time management and productivity often center on how to get more done in less time. But that only helps with efficiency.

People who measure success by the quantity of things they get done will never win. There are ALWAYS more new things to do

You don't need more time...
You need more focus.

When you lack focus in one area of your life then it bleeds over into all the other areas, too. Making it difficult to find clarity or gain traction in anything at all.

But, conversely, when you get focused in one area, then it leads the way for the next. As you bring one thing into alignment then you'll find a momentum and an ease for the next thing, and the next, and so on.

If you're breathing then you probably have areas of your life that are not getting the attention they deserve. And no doubt there are certain areas which dominate your time and energy (perhaps, unfortunately, to the detriment of others).

When you're unable to give time to the things that matter most, it's frustrating.

You may think the solution is to find more time. But if you've ever tried to squeeze in more time just to try and get ahead of that never ending task list, then you probably know that it's an un- winnable game (yet so many people play it anyway).

Louder for the people in the back: you don't need more time... you need more focus.


How to spot someone who is not focused versus someone who is.

When you’re over toward the left on the “un-focused” side of things, you don't feel in control. It's stressful. You don't feel like there is any breathing room. And you're so frequently responding to the urgent issues of others that you lack any clear plan forward.

However, when you are on the “focused” side, you are very much in control. You have clear goals and you have the time and energy you need to meet those goals. You are far less stressed and anxious than your reactive counterpart. You're thriving.

When was the last time you had an hour of uninterrupted, focused work time?

Consider how liberating it will be when you have clarity about your life’s vision, values, and goals — when your short-term projects are moving you toward your big goals.

You can get more organized and back in control. For you, it may not be a crisis right now. But even a little but of friction in your day can wear on you over time.

A lack of control and no clear focus may already be costing you far more than you know.


Shawn Blanc

Your Focus Guide

👋 Hello. My name is Shawn and I am honored to be your host and guide through Focus Course Live!

I’m a writer, small-business owner, productivity coach, and creative entrepreneur living in Kansas City with my wife and our three boys.

For the past 20 years, I have been learning and teaching about creativity, diligence, and focus. I’ve spoken about these topics at conferences and workshops; I've taught them to private groups and one-on-one clients; and my online courses have helped tens of thousands of people.

♥️ Married for 19 years, and we have 3 boys. Send pizza! 🍕

My Journey From Overwhelmed to Focused

I used to work 80 hours per week. And even then, with all those hours, I still felt behind with my never-ending issues at work! I kept thinking I would eventually get ahead of the craziness and start making progress on meaningful work.

Eventually I quit that job to begin working for myself. But even then, I still found that I was always chasing my to-do list. I never felt satisfied at the end of my work day; there was always more to be done. Work was always on my mind.

When my first son was born, I realized that I needed do to better. I didn’t want my work life to dominate my time and energy. But, at the same time, I still had a strong desire to do meaningful work.

These seemingly-opposing forces shouldn’t have to fight one another. I knew it was okay to have a thriving work life while also having an awesome personal life.

My 4-Focus Method

I have spent years figuring out solutions related to focus.

We live in an age where the Internet lives in our pocket, and it seems like everyone everywhere is both distracted and in a hurry.

I’ve examined my own habits, studied many other solutions, and rigorously tested different approaches over and over again. And I have worked hard to create a lifestyle that is conducive to doing my best creative work without sacrificing my personal and family life.

What you will learn during Focus Course Live are the same methods, ideas, and frameworks that have allowed me to grow a thriving business, do meaningful work that I’m proud of, and give time to myself and my family.

These are time-tested, proven ideas I use to keep all the areas of my life in harmony and thriving, despite the craziness that is naturally found in day-to-day life.

The material in Focus Course Live has changed my life. It has changed the lives of so many others who have already taken it. And it can change your life, too.

"I can’t recommend Shawn enough. He has proven strategies that give clear direction and actually work."

Amy Sullivan


"Shawn’s course helps you figure out where you want to go and how to get there. If you’re feeling adrift or just want to help get yourself more focussed, check it out."

David Sparks

Business Attorney, Podcaster, & Author


Where Action Brings Clarity


Eight On-demand Videos Lessons

1: Components of a Focused Life

The whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. These five components make up the core framework inside the Focus Course. You will discover what each component is, how they tie together, and then how to use them as a tool for both diagnosing and solving problems related to your habits, schedule, tasks, goals, and motivation.

2: Your Life's Mission

Here you will get to use our unique and powerful approach to crafting your life's mission. Instead of leaving you with a blank sheet of paper and expecting you to pull something out of the air, you will get to use our "Mission Map" — a systematic template that helps you easily identify the most important areas and then funnel that into your own unique life visions statement. From there, you get to refine and edit.

3: The 8 Laws of Focus

The primary expressions of focus in your life is twofold: (1) the attainment of focus in the form of a clear vision and priorities; and (2) the skill of focus in the form of your ability to direct your attention on to that which matters. As such, there are 8 Laws of Focus which you need to know and use in order to get and stay clear, and also to follow through on doing the important work that matters.

4: Delightful Goal Setting (Big & Small)

You will identify life goals for each of the 6 major areas of your life and discover how your small actions tie in to the larger desired outcomes you have.

5: Your Cornerstone Habit (Strategy & Action Plan)

Life is almost entirely made up of small, usually-inconsequential choices and moments each day. The little things we do (and don’t do) are what paint the picture of our life. If you want a different life, make a small change to something and stick with it.

Session 5 and 6 are the apex of the Course. These lessons are when most of our members have their "lightbulb" moments, and the results from this week are often what make the biggest, long-term impact on people.

6: Time Management & Your Ideal Schedule

Managing your time is unto the living of your life. How you spend your time is, quite literally, how you are living our life. In this section on time ownership, elimination, delegation, and your ideal schedule we will discover how to reduce your commitments and priorities and how to establish time in your schedule for doing the things that you value and that only you can do.

7: Overcome the Obstacles

Any great endeavor will elicit resistance. No doubt you have set out on a goal before, only to be derailed at some point. We've identified 7 primary areas of resistance, what they are, and how you can overcome them so as not to get derailed.

8: How to Live A Life with Margin

Margin is a necessary component of a focused life. Do you have the breathing room, health, and strength you need in order to lean into each area of your life? Margin exists for relationships and thus it enables you to be present for your most important roles and responsibilities in life. A life without margin is a life on the edge of burnout.


As you go through the Focus Course, you will be exploding with ideas, possibilities, dreams, and energy! It's a very fun and exciting process.

But.... if you try to do it all right away, then you will not get the results you want. You will have to simplify and focus. Not only do we help you in this final step of the journey, but the whole process is amazing and unique... you are going to love it.


Get Instant Access to the Focus Course

Satisfaction & Money-Back Guarantee

60 Days. No Questions Asked.

We want your investment in the Focus Course to be an easy decision that is exciting and free of risk or fear. We know it can be scary to jump in to something like this without being positive of your end results.

If you jump in and realize that the Course is not for you, then let us know within 60 days and we will gladly give you a full refund.

It’s zero risk on your part.

How it Works

1. Secure your lifetime access today.

2. Begin when you’re ready.

3. Move at your own pace.

4. Enjoy the benefits of focus in your life.

Yes! I want The Focus Course

The Focus Course


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PDF Workbook

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Focus Club Membership



✓ Focus Course Access

✓ In-Depth, Time Management Course

✓ In-Depth, Margin Course

 ✓ All-Access: 18 Courses

✓ Monthly Coaching Calls and Workshops

✓ The Resource Vault of Template

✓ Exclusive: Focus Pathways

✓ Cancel Anytime

✓ Best Value!

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60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee

Questions? Just email us:

"The course has completely changed my life. I started routines that I had been thinking about for decades. I am more aware how many projects I can realistically take on at once, and which will have to be put on the side for now. If you want to get more done AND have more free time AND feel happier, you NEED to take up this course."

Phong C.

Ballroom Dancer, Photographer, & Writer

"My husband, Ben, and I absolutely loved it! If you need focus in your life and want to know how to get to the next place ... this is what you need. The content is simple yet profoundly powerful."

Havilah Cunnington

Author, Speaker, & Mom


Even when you're short on time and energy

Are there areas of your life that don’t get the attention you want them to? Of course there are. And it’s easy to get stressed out about it.

When our actions and behaviors don’t line up with our vision and values, it can cause stress and frustration. We feel tension when we find ourselves spending time on things we don’t really want to be doing, yet we feel helpless to do anything else.

You know what’s awesome? When your actions and behaviors align with your vision and values.

There’s a huge misconception that says you should be giving your full attention to every area of your life. Well, if you’ve ever tried, you know it’s just not possible.

There is no way you can deploy your full attention to your health, your relationships, your finances, your career, your personal hobbies, and your inner personal life all at the same time.

And but so, what do you do with those other areas of your life? You certainly don’t want to leave them out in the cold — you can’t just ignore them.

The secret is in a little thing called routine.

By establishing healthy habits and routines for every area of your life, then you’re able to keep them on track even without giving them your full attention.

It’s a way to keep all of your life on track and in balance, no matter the season. It’s a way to ensure you’re not giving an unhealthy amount of time to one area at the detriment to the other areas of your life.


Your artisanal to-do list app is not the problem. Well, maybe.

Think about some of the most accomplished and successful people you know.

Not in terms of the most well-off or well-known. I mean, who are the people you look up to as mentors and role models? Who do you know that has it all together?

Do you notice how they always know what’s next for them? They’ve got something they’re working towards, and they always seem to get things done.

They have a confidence and motivation that is more than just a personality type. Because it’s a confidence based on focus and clarity. They have a direction and know how to get there.

Good news! Diligence and focus are not a personality type. Focus is a skill you can learn (and continually improve).

And that’s exactly what I teach you in The Focus Course. You will walk away with the ability to focus on the areas of life that matter most to you, while still maintaining a healthy balance in the others. This is how the most successful people maintain breathing room in their daily life while also being so prolific and productive.


What will you discover and get during Focus Course?

Margin: How to shift from overloaded to breathing. The necessity of breathing room and margin, and the only two approaches that work to restore it.

The 5 Components of a Focused Life: The overarching framework of The Focus Course.

The 4-Focus Method: My simple flywheel that I use to stay perpetually focused and productive in every area of life — for big projects and areas of responsibility, all the way down down to the small tasks each day.

Schedule-Value Fit and how to spend your time on more of the right things more often.

The 8 Laws of Focus and how to use them maintain your clarity and your direction.

What motivates you: balancing the roles in your life with your core values; drafting out your life's mission.

The Ownership Matrix: A tool that helps you cut back on the tasks and activities that are pulling you away from the more important things so you can eliminate or delegate your low-level tasks, and double down on the important things that only you can do.

Personal Integrity: The critical ability everyone needs in order to keep commitments to themselves and follow through with their goals and routines.

Success Strategies: How is it that focused people get (most of) the right things done day after day (most of the time)? (Hint: We don't get it perfect every day all the time. But we have a way to stay on track, even when we lose motivation or have a bad week.)

A simple task and time management approach that keeps you on track and can work with any type of app, tool, or schedule.

Cornerstone Habits and the connection between your big, desired outcomes and your small, daily actions.


Even when you're short on time and energy

Look. There is so much knowledge and advice out there. There is no shortage of information.

The shortage is with implementation and application.

It is difficult to go through all the best books, blog posts, think pieces, and podcasts and then dig out the main ideas and apply them to your life.

Don't waste your time trying to be this person:

The easiest (and fastest) path forward is to be guided.

This is what the world's best performers do. They don't get coaching because they're too lazy or stupid to figure it out on their own... The exact opposite — they get guidance because they have better things to do with their time; they are hungry to excel in life.

The Focus Course is the fastest path forward for you. I will guide you through all the steps you need to take and be shown how it all fits together in your life.

You can get a clear head amidst the craziness. You can thrive in the midst of the tensions of life. But the answer is not in a methodology, system, or app.

To spend your time creating meaningful work goes far beyond white-knuckle focus or ripping your internet cable out of the wall.

You don’t have to solve the tensions of life before you can create something of value. Meaningful productivity means consistently giving your time and attention to the things which are most important.

You can do work that matters, build momentum in your personal integrity, establish habits that stick, bring a healthy balance between your work and personal life, and re-define what you think of when you say productivity. Learn about your own lifestyle, the way you work, what your values are, and more.


Will the Focus Course work for me?

Perhaps you’re not sure if you are the right fit for the Course. Or perhaps you’re not confident that an online program can produce any meaningful results in your life. We totally get it! Of course you want to trust that the investment of your time and your money will be worth it — you want to see a return and results that will last, instead of this being just “one more thing”.

We are quite confident that if you show up, then yes, it will work for you. Why? Because the structure we teach is simple enough you can employ it in your day to day life — helping you build lasting habits from the start. And the 5 Components of a Focused Life are things you can use in any season, at any time, to help you self-correct and get back on track.

Who is the course for?

The Focus Course is for anyone who wants to increase productivity, personal integrity, morale, and overall quality of life. What sets the course apart is that it guides you in the implementation of these principles so that these topics go beyond mere head knowledge and into experiential knowledge.

There are many ideas and principles taught during the course, and they all tie together. This course will help you form an holistic picture of work/life balance, meaningful productivity, and doing work that matters.

This course has been taken by over 3,500 people and teams, folks ranging from project mangers, photographers, engineers, small business owners, designers, developers, moms, dads, office assistants, pastors, and more.

How is the Course different from the Focus Club Membership?

The Focus Course is a standalone resource you can get lifetime access to for just $97 (normally $297).

The Focus Club membership gives you access to The Focus Course + every other course, workshop, and event we have — all for just $99 per month.

Plus, in the Focus Club membership you also get accountability and support from your small group mastermind, the private community chat, and live coaching from my team and me every month.

Is it really risk free?

Yes, there is a guarantee. I am quite confident that the contents and value of the course are well worth the investment. If, however, you’re not delighted with your purchase, just email me within 60 days of your purchase and I’ll be happy to give you a full refund. No questions asked.

"This course has changed my life. I have an independent job, big family, friends and a brain who always wants to do new things. It was a mess of unfinished projects. Now I have a prescription of rest of my life with my 6 life goals."

Kjell Anker Worren

Focus Course Member

"Shawn, and his Focus Course, helped me get back to center. Which can be quite a challenge to find in the massive jungle that is the mess of our modern lives. It helped me define what was important and why — and how to execute on those things."

Andrew Carrol